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Writing Covering Letters

Writing Covering Letters

What Do You Need to Say?

A strong introduction to your CV is a great opportunity to give the reader a positive first impression of your application.

  • Job applications are electronic these days.  If you are attaching a CV, make sure your covering letter is included in the email body rather than as a second attachment. In this format it is easier to read as a taster and at the same time as the attached CV itself. Careerpath Hunt prefers Word format to PDF so the CV can be formatted as required and most easily indexed for future database searching and retrieval.
  • Electronic upload or email submission are the most common and the most desirable methods of submitting applications to construction recruitment agencies and to construction employers. Most companies prefer this method as it is easier and quicker to process and respond to the applications received.  Don’t spoil this clean and convenient method by scanning an old CV and sending it over – it gives a bad impression of your IT skills and and level of commitment and professionalism.
  • It is worth double checking the spelling, grammar and purpose of what you are writing before sending it out. This is particularly true within the more informal context and structure of email.
  • Within a covering letter it is helpful to indicate reference to a particular job, role type or location you are applying for, or details explaining the particular section of construction you are most interested in. Just as people don’t like spam email, recruiters and employers respond better to personalized applications.
  • Recruiters appreciate it if you mention the advert or referral source that prompted your application.
  • You will reduce the likelihood of calls about positions you are not interested in if you provide clear indication of what you are and aren’t looking for in your covering letter.

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